Useful Information



CY2024 is from 1 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2024, Posted on 02-01-2024

The availability of the new CY Physical Fitness Test(PFT) schedule will be announced via Broadcast Message. The fitness age is calculated as at 1 Jan of each cycle. Do follow up with your pending medical status immediately if applicable.

PFT Attempt, Posted on 30-08-2023

Minimum 1 point is required to be considered as an attempt. To achieve Gold, Silver and Pass awards, the requisite points is minimum 1 point for each test station unless exempted.

FY2023 is from 1 Apr 2023 to 31 Dec 2023, Posted on 31-03-2023

The availability of new FY Physical Fitness Tests (PFT) schedule will be announced via Broadcast Message. Officers will be able to view their pre-IPPT health screening results and book for PFT (if deemed as Fit only). All the best and aim for a better score, COLs!

PFT Safety Regulations, Posted on 30-08-2023

a. Officers who booked PFT on their 1st off after performing night duty (the day before) will not be allowed to attempt the PFT(applies to both morning and evening sessions).
Scenario 1:
Officer A just completed his night shift duty on the 16th February at 0700hrs, he returned home to rest thereafter as he had booked a PFT session on the very same day which starts at 1700hrs. In this case officer A is not allowed to attempt for his PFT as it is his first off day.
Scenario 2:
Officer B completed her night shift duty on the 16th February and had scheduled for a PFT session on the 17th February at 0730hrs. In this situation, officer B is allowed to take her PFT as it falls on her second off day and she will have sufficient rest the night before the PFT session.

It is the responsibility of every officers to adhere to the PFT Safety Advisory. Officers who do not adhere to the instructions will be disallowed from attempting the PFT.

b. Officers who fall in these categories must be medically screened and certified FIT by the Medical Service Provider (MSP) first before making their PFT bookings:
- Officers aged 25, 30, 35 and above
- Officers who gave birth 1 year ago
- Officers who suffered from miscarriage/abortion

Please contact your PFT Administrator - Mr Faizan @ 6465 3533 if you faced with any technical problems with the SPS Fitness Portal. Officers are to submit a screen shot of the problem(s) faced.